Registration Form: Colinton Homecoming 2012
The registration fee is $40 per person for all three days.
Name: ____________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
Postal Code: _________________ Number of Tickets: ____________
Amount Enclosed: ________________ Phone: __________________
Please Note: Your fee will only be returned under the following circumstances:
- If there is sickness, an accident or other extenuating circumstances, Colette must be notified (780) 675-2864 by July 6, 2012.
Please make cheques payable to: Colinton Homecoming
Please print this page and forward the Form and Fee to:
Colette Nimco
Box 44
Colinton, AB
T0G 0R0
Registration deadline: May 1, 2012
Name: ____________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
Postal Code: _________________ Number of Tickets: ____________
Amount Enclosed: ________________ Phone: __________________
Please Note: Your fee will only be returned under the following circumstances:
- If there is sickness, an accident or other extenuating circumstances, Colette must be notified (780) 675-2864 by July 6, 2012.
Please make cheques payable to: Colinton Homecoming
Please print this page and forward the Form and Fee to:
Colette Nimco
Box 44
Colinton, AB
T0G 0R0
Registration deadline: May 1, 2012